Sunday, September 1, 2013

Just One Day, by Gayle Forman (2013)

What if Shakespeare had it wrong?

Allyson Healy has just graduated from high school.  Her life is planned and organized so that she'll begin college in the fall and study pre-med.  Her parents gave her a three-week "adventure" in Europe as a high school graduation present.  Every minute of the trip was organized, planned, and prepped.  Until Allyson met Willem.

"They subbed Budapest in for Paris," I say.  "And I liked Budapest, but I can't believe I'm this close to Paris and not going."

Willem looks at me intently.  He twists the tie on his backpack around his finger.  "So go," he says.

Allyson is stunned.  Willem has given her a nickname, Lulu.

"So, Lulu?  What do you say?  You want to go to Paris?  For just one day?"

It's totally crazy.  I don't even know him.  And I could get caught.  And how much of Paris can you see in just one day?  And this could all go disastrously wrong in so many ways.  All of that is true.  I know it is.  But it doesn't change the fact that I want to go.

So this time, instead of saying no, I try something different.

I say yes.

Follow Allyson's one day in Paris.  

Rating:  8 out 10 stars
* language, sexual inferences, underage alcohol

To check out this read at NOLS, click HERE!

The companion novel: